My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Over the time frame of a few years I got a mail from Bookbub each time a book from this series was available for free, so I managed to pick up the 4 books for free.
More like 3.5 rounded to 4 for being the first in a series.
Very good integration of the fantasy/paranormal in the crime story.
With its theme of sexual abuse and abduction it is certainly not for everyone, but the author handles that sensible and in a realistic way, going deep in the feelings and background of Skye, as far as I can tell.
It is a near page-turner, but the conclusion and the vigilante MC's do not sit well with me, at some point the police should have been involved and the criminals should have been imprisoned, not killed (sorry, if that counts as a spoiler).
A little romance blossoms, but it remains open if and how it will develop in the next books.
Recommended with the above caveats. If that does not matter to you, pick it up.
For some reason I am reluctant to read the next book although I already own it.
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