
Monday, February 8, 2016

Review: The Night Ferry

The Night Ferry The Night Ferry by Michael Robotham
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Although highly recommended page-turner, just bit too much information at some times and therefore just a tad too long, could have been 10-15% shorter, would have been stronger then.
Liked the setting (UK, Amsterdam), and most times the information about Sikh-Livestyle, but it got too much. The theme of the book is difficult with no obvious solution, and it does not offer one.
Instead, even the main characters questions her mistakes and wether she should have stayed out of it, if more people would have been alive then?! Very well done and also above some of the cheaper vigilantes which populate books nowadays.
Although listed (by Amazon) as being in a series, that character is a minor one, and I regard this as a standalone.
Have read something from Robotham in German translation before and looked for the cheapest book to buy, this was it. Will probably read more from him in the future.

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Review: Benutzt

Benutzt Benutzt by Mark Franley
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This book may be only available in German, I have not checked, I read the German version, as that is my first language. Below the english review you will find the German review.

Bought this cheap, for less than an Eur, as it was on promotion.
It is an ok book, second in a series, but I had no trouble reading it as a standalone.
Hard story in the style of the SAW-torture-porn-movies. Obvious mostly, a few too much accidental
events and twists. And then the ending was as expected, so, only 3 stars it is.
Might read another book or maybe not, as this missed for me page-turner like quality, although much of the ingridients where there. It felt like the writer tried to hard. This may become better as the writer becomes more experienced, so it may happen that the later books get better.
Barly warrants a recommendation, but do not pay too much for it, look for reduced price copy or lend it.

(Edit: just saw in a two-star review that this book had then a lot of errors. My edition was error-free, so it must have been corrected, shows that you should always complain to support if this happens. On Kindle this is even an option if you mark a book and have connection to the internet (WiFi or Mobile)).

Habe das Buch preiswert als Promotion für weniger als 'n Euro gekauft.
Das Buch ist ok, zweiter Band einer Serie, aber ich hatte keine Probleme as als standalone zu lesen.
Harte Geschichte im Stil der SAW-torture-porn-Filme. Das meiste ist vorhersehbar, mit etwas vielen Zufällen und Wendungen. Und das Ende war wie erwartet, deshalb sind es nur 3 Sterne geworden.
Vielleicht lese ich noch ein Buch der Serie, vielleicht auch nicht, ich vermisse hier die Spannung eines Thrillers, page-turners oder wasauchimmer (passendes Wort missing in my head), obwohl viele der Zutaten dafür vorhanden waren. Es könnte sein, das dies besser wird, mit wachsender Erfahrung des Autors, es kann also passieren, das die späteren Bücher besser werden.
Verdient gerade mal noch eine Empfehlung, aber nicht zu viel dafür zahlen, wartet auf eine ermässigte Kopie oder leiht es.

Hinweis: ich habe vorhin einen 2sterne Bewertung gesehen, weil dessen Buch so viele Fehler hatte. Meine Edition war Fehler-Frei, d.h. sie müssen korrigiert worden sein, das zeigt, das es sich immer lohnt, Fehler dem Support zu melden. Auf den Kindle-Geräten ist dies einfach eine Option nach markieren des Wortes, wenn eine Netzverbindung zum Internet besteht (WLAN oder Mobil).

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Review: Head Games: A Jenna Blake Body of Evidence Thriller

Head Games: A Jenna Blake Body of Evidence Thriller Head Games: A Jenna Blake Body of Evidence Thriller by Christopher Golden
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Although I really like this series, I am tired somehow. So, only 4 stars, for a nice fast read, but a bit bored.
Still recommend this. Can be read as a standalone, but then you miss out on the better ones in this series.

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