My rating: 0 of 5 stars
This looks like it will not even get 3 stars from me currently. Bad idea to read them back2back. And so far no real growing up, just more of the same from the first book. And looking at the time it takes me to get through it, I am contemplating DNF.
OK, forced myself to finish it, but regret buying the other books in the series before reading this one.
After thinking about it, I guess I am not really the audience for this, maybe more targeted at to the 12-14 year-old?
Again no sex, but more romance then in the first one, slowly developing.
Story a bit more suspenseful, but still dragging.
MC is crying too much for my taste, without real reasons (for me), should toughen up.
Some things are thought about too much, and explained too detailed to be real thinking.
Read at your own risk, if you read and liked the first, this is better than the first, but not really recommended. Even with the probable intended target-group it feels immature and too young, and could be more suspenseful. Solid writing and going safely in the same direction as the first one warrants the 3 stars for me, but from some other reader or at some another date this would get 2 stars. It is a short read, so something very light for a rainy afternoon, but I know better books I would read instead.
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